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April 17th 2024  |   Community Safaris, Primate Safaris, Conservation Safaris, Countries, Experiences, Miscellaneous, Rwanda  |  by   Jo Ainscough

A round up of Gorilla Trekking FAQ's in Rwanda Gorilla tracking in Rwanda is extremely easy going for safari beginners, you can accomplish it in a long weekend. Our clients have gorilla trekked on honeymoon, as a graduation holiday, an add on to a classic family safari, a long weekend ... Read more

April 17th 2024  |   Primate Safaris, Conservation Safaris, Wildlife Safaris, Countries, Experiences, Miscellaneous, Rwanda  |  by   Jo Ainscough

Everyone loves mountain gorillas. They live in a landscape akin to Eden, along the Western, or Albertine Rift, in one of Africa’s most biodiverse regions. In this haven of rainforest endemism the most celebrated wild mammal is the iconic mountain gorilla of the Virunga Massif. Spending half of the day ... Read more

August 5th 2022  |   Community Safaris, Conservation Safaris, Countries, Miscellaneous, Rwanda, Uganda  |  by   Jo Ainscough

The Gorilla Countries There are many more things to see and do in these two countries than gorillas, but they share a border and national parks that are home to this incredible primate. The two countries have incredibly lush landscapes with rich black soil that nourishes plenty of fruit and ... Read more

December 17th 2021  |   Primate Safaris, Countries, Unique Experiences, Miscellaneous, Rwanda, Uganda  |  by   Richard Smith

This is certainly one of the questions we are often asked about gorilla treks in Uganda and Rwanda. It’s closely followed by “How long are the gorilla treks?” While we cannot give a definitive answer, we’ve set out our expert opinion below to give you a good idea as to ... Read more

December 8th 2021  |   Wildlife Safaris, Countries, Experiences, Rwanda, Uganda  |  by   Francis Naumann

The wonderfully impressive mountain gorillas, which share a whopping 98% of our DNA, live in the dense forests on and around the Virunga Massif (a chain of volcanoes bordering Rwanda, Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda), as well as the Bwindi Impenetrable National Park in Uganda. Very much an endangered ... Read more

October 8th 2021  |   Wildlife Safaris, Countries, Experiences, Rwanda  |  by   Lucinda Rome

Surprisingly perhaps, gorilla viewing is not the only thing on offer in Rwanda, and it’s becoming a genuinely world class destination for many other reasons with savannah, wetland and forest wildlife in abundance. Akagera National Park is being regenerated under a long term project headed by African Parks, and is ... Read more

May 17th 2021  |   Countries, Unique Experiences, Miscellaneous, Rwanda, Uganda  |  by   Francis Naumann

In the safari world, Rwanda and Uganda are best known as places to track mountain gorillas. Both have small populations of the endangered animals, and gorilla tracking is an undoubted highlight.  What is not so well known is how much more there is to enjoy - with a host of ... Read more

January 9th 2021  |   Wildlife Safaris, Travel, Countries, Unique Experiences, Experiences, Miscellaneous, Rwanda, Uganda  |  by   Richard Smith

Current estimates suggest that there are approximately 880 mountain gorillas remaining in the wild. The gorillas live in family groups in the Virunga Mountains which straddle Rwanda, Uganda and Democratic Republic of Congo, and Bwindi Impenetrable Forest in Uganda.  Visitors wishing to track these magnificent animals can do so in ... Read more

August 21st 2020  |   Wildlife Safaris, Countries, Unique Experiences, Experiences, Miscellaneous, Rwanda  |  by   Richard Smith

Rwanda reopened mid-August which is very good news for the mountain gorillas since much of their conservation is funded from tourist revenue. Gorillas are without question the main draw here but, as our ideas show,  Rwanda is a more of complete safari country than it might seem at first glance. ... Read more

May 12th 2020  |   Botswana, Family Safaris, Riding Safaris, Kenya, Wildlife Safaris, Countries, Experiences, Unique Experiences, Miscellaneous, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia  |  by   Jo Ainscough

Some of the camps below are known beyond the safari world, others are the hidden gems we love that lift a safari from 'good' to 'exceptional'. What they all have in common is the exclusive nature of their set up which means they fill quickly. If you’ve got your heart ... Read more